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Add a message of solidarity to those currently experiencing homelessness

Everyone deserves somewhere safe to call home

But currently, 122,000 people in Australia go without. That’s why we can stand together with Australians in need, until they can stand for themselves.



Keep on keeping on


Miss Jayla

Keep Goiing & Never Giive Up! Xo


Nish Njoroge

Your struggles do not define you; your courage and perseverance do. Keep holding on to hope and know that brighter days are ahead. Read Isaiah 58:7



For everyone experiencing homelessness right now, please know that you are not alone. We will always stand with you during this challenging time. We believe everyone deserves a safe home.



I am walking to support the families and people in my local community who find themselves without a safe home at the moment. I want them to know they are seen and are not alone. People do care and want to find ways to provide positive support. I am walking and talking with family and friends to help raise funds and awareness.


Arthur Karvelas

Its the Australia dream right? Well at least it was and i think it should still be that every Aussie has a roof over their head. I work daily helping people to purchase and own their home - this is a great cause and helping more people have a roof over their head. Alongside this effort its helping me get fitter. It re-invigorates the love of nature as well observing and appreciating things I never noticed before. I think the effort put in by everyone embodies the Aussie spirit of maté ship and helping each other. Well done to all and great to see many people will be helped with all our efforts. Cheers. Arthur


Melhem Makdessi

Inspired by Jesus Christ, Mission Australia has been able to step for 162 years to meet human need, and continues to rise to the challenges and walk alongside Australians who face homelessness everyday! What can I say? I’m blessed to be part of such a legacy.



I work for MA in Townsville, I'm at the forefront and wanted to do my bit.



I want to help as much as possible and it seems such an easy thing to do. I walk every day so it's not too much outside of my usual activities.



We need to raise as much money as possible as there is so much great need out there. This is just one thing that we can do to help.



I wish in Australia every single soul find a safe place to call home. My heart aches for these unfortunate souls. I do not know how to help but for now I have taken the initiative to walk for this cause. It's a very little solidarity from my part. I hope one day the situation will get better.



I'm taking part in the 122,000 steps for safe homes challenge because I strongly believe that housing is a basic human right. I am happy to contribute in this way towards Mission Australia's work helping people in housing crisis.



My heart is with you all, and I will always do as much as I can to help you. Sarah.



Sky is roof ,, we shall become a roof to those who are the part of homeless fraternity..



Because I love walking it's a pleasure rather than a chore and if I can raise money while doing it, that's great. To do it with a team, even better and hopefully rally more staff and individuals to rise to the challenge and take part. It's great for the mental health as well as physical health, and ultimately we're trying to raise funds to better serve the people in need.



I’ve always had a strong sense of and emphasis on social justice. Back in the ‘90s, there was a good focus on helping those in need, but that no longer seems to be the case so I do my best to help whenever an opportunity arises.



I’m a mental health recovery worker and I see a lot of homelessness especially in youth so I'd like to help.



For me it's just being able to help people less fortunate than I. About 8 years ago, things could have gone either way for me - homeless or not. Thankfully things worked out for the better. I wanted to do my bit. Just recently, I joined a new team in Mission Australia and we were talking about the challenge, and said we should do it as a team and as a bonding exercise.



I think it's a really good thing to do. We've signed up for other challenges in the past, sleeping under the stars for example. It was a lot of effort but something like the Steps for Safe Homes walking-based challenge should be much easier to take part in. I think it's good for the team to build come together for this event and will build stronger relationships and connections. The steps representing the number of people currently homeless in Australia is really good to highlight the problem as well.



It's just ridiculous how many people are without a home in a country as lucky as Australia. I'm disappointed in the situation and want to do my part to make a positive difference.



I just want to play a part, even if it's only small, to help as many people as possible to have a safe house



I know what good work Mission does and am really horrified by homelessness and the cost of living crisis. I wanted to do something to help.



So many people struggle with keeping or not having a roof over head. The Cost of living has hit a lot of people very hard.



What motivated me is I've always thought everyone should have a home and a roof over their head, especially in this country. The cost of living has gone up so much and everyone is struggling. I'm grateful to have a safe home and while it's been a bit tricky with the cost of living, I'm still able to manage. It's also encouraging me to get fit so I'm killing 2 birds with one stone.



I'm doing this challenge because everyone should have a roof over their head



I'm going to do this challenge so that more people have a safe place to call home xx



I'm taking on 122,000 steps to support the 122,000 experiencing homelessness. To every person struggling right now, just know that things will get better and support is out there ❤️



I think it's a really good thing to do. We've signed up for other challenges in the past, sleeping under the stars for example. It was a lot of effort but something like the Steps for Safe Homes walking-based challenge should be much easier to take part in. I think it's good for the team to build come together for this event and will build stronger relationships and connections. The steps representing the number of people currently homeless in Australia is really good to highlight the problem as well.



Walking for the 122,000 people without somewhere safe to call home is the least I can do to show my support - this is such an important cause!